Hulk, Health, Happiness, Podcasts

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Hulk, Health, Happiness, Podcasts

I take a seat on the couch to talk with Bonny about, anger, Hulk, Batman's issues, and being your truest self.


Bonny King-Taylor literally walked her talk from LA to DC (3742 miles, in case you were wondering) and is still working to add to the sum total of human happiness with everything she does. For the last 20 years, that has included working one-on-one as an award winning life coach and counselor, and as a change agent for nearly every type of group you can imagine.
She is known as a compassionate and challenging wise advisor who listens deeply to make connections that are often both surprising and healing. With Master’s degrees in Pastoral Counseling and Organizational Development, as well as a lifetime of experience turning what feels bad into satisfaction and success, Bonny brings good humor and grit to her passion for real, sustainable progress.

Find out more about Bonny's work at

Bruno Falcon